open-ended questions

How to Actively Listen for Emotions and Why it Matters in Conflict Resolution

How to Actively Listen for Emotions and Why it Matters in Conflict Resolution

When it comes to conflict resolution, active listening is a crucial skill that can make all the difference in working toward agreement. Active listening involves not only hearing what the other person is saying but also paying attention to their emotions. In this article, we will explore the importance of acknowledgment, how to validate feelings, the value of empathy, how to seek clarity, the benefits of summarizing what is expressed. Actively listening for emotions is a powerful way to facilitate conflict resolution.

Five Powerful Open-ended Questions Mediators Use for Active Listening

Five Powerful Open-ended Questions Mediators Use for Active Listening

Open-ended questions can be great conversation starters for social and workplace situations. Unlike closed-ended questions, which only yield one-word answers, open-ended questions get people talking. Mediators rely on open-ended questions, as they are powerful active listening tools, essential for effectively navigating conflicts. Most importantly, they help to engage and empower people to respond in their own words.

Five Simple Questions That Destabilize Barriers to Conflict Resolution

Five Simple Questions That Destabilize Barriers to Conflict Resolution

Recently, my conflict resolution skills were tested in my personal life. For someone who loves to help others work through their conflict, I felt lost. After attempting to talk and listen to the other parties involved, it was clear that progress was not on the horizon. When conflict is personal, it is easy for even the most seasoned mediators to forget how to apply what we use in our daily practice to develop a satisfactory resolution. I realized that the logical thing to do was draw on my mediation skills. Upon this realization, I turned my attention to five questions that I commonly use in my practice and when coaching our mediators.