
How Utilizing Theater Practices Can Cultivate Conflict Management Skills

How Utilizing Theater Practices Can Cultivate Conflict Management Skills

You may wonder how theater could possibly teach anything about conflict management. After all, theater is just actors playing pretend on stage. Mediators and peacebuilders deal with serious real-world conflicts. As someone who studied, both fields, I was surprised to discover they have surprisingly much in common. I have also learned that utilizing theater practices in conflict management can positively shape how we practice conflict management. In this article, we are going to explore how drama on-stage can help solve drama off-stage. Along the way, I will share some personal anecdotes, as someone who recently earned a double major in theater directing and peace and justice studies (a path my parents were not expecting). By the end of this article, you should gain a new perspective on analyzing and managing conflicts, and maybe you might even want to take an acting class! 

The Surprising Benefits of Conflict: Personal Growth and Stronger Connections 

The Surprising Benefits of Conflict: Personal Growth and Stronger Connections 

Conflict is an inevitable part of life. We encounter it in our personal relationships, at work, and even within ourselves. While conflict is often viewed as a negative experience, it can actually offer surprising benefits. In this article, we will explore the role of conflict in promoting personal growth and building stronger connections with others.  

How to Actively Listen for Emotions and Why it Matters in Conflict Resolution

How to Actively Listen for Emotions and Why it Matters in Conflict Resolution

When it comes to conflict resolution, active listening is a crucial skill that can make all the difference in working toward agreement. Active listening involves not only hearing what the other person is saying but also paying attention to their emotions. In this article, we will explore the importance of acknowledgment, how to validate feelings, the value of empathy, how to seek clarity, the benefits of summarizing what is expressed. Actively listening for emotions is a powerful way to facilitate conflict resolution.