How the Wise Use of Caucusing in Mediation Can Promote Elegant Resolutions to Conflict

How the Wise Use of Caucusing in Mediation Can Promote Elegant Resolutions to Conflict

A caucus is a private meeting that mediators may hold with each disputant. One benefit of a caucus is that it promotes openness and candor, in a safe and private setting. Also, in caucus the mediator may use coaching techniques to help parties explore effective ways to work through difficult conversations with the other party. When used wisely, caucusing can promote elegant resolutions to conflict.

From Child Soldier to Mediator: A Memoir to Inspire Peace and Unity

From Child Soldier to Mediator: A Memoir to Inspire Peace and Unity

Many would look at Deng Atem's life, shaped by conflict and displacement, and wonder why he is not bitter and resentful. Instead, Deng has enabled his experiences as a former “Lost Boy of Sudan” to fuel his pursuit of a more positive reality for others growing up in his homeland.

Deng now lives in Phoenix, Arizona. His impact as a visionary and leader in the global South Sudanese community has been enhanced by recently acquired mediation skills.

From child soldier to mediator, Deng has dedicated his life to inspiring a future characterized by peace and unity, culminating in his memoir, Jumping Over the Ram

How Mediators Can Be the Peacemakers in their Own Family Conflicts

How Mediators Can Be the Peacemakers in their Own Family Conflicts

Conflict is a normal part of family life. As a mediator, you have the skills to facilitate peaceful resolutions to conflicts, but it can be challenging to apply them so close to home. In this article, we'll discuss how mediators can be the peacemakers in their own family conflicts by providing strategies for identifying unique considerations, assessing the situation before engaging, addressing power dynamics between family members and recognizing the limitations.