impasse strategies

How Mediators Break Impasse – Without Giving Advice or Giving Up

How Mediators Break Impasse – Without Giving Advice or Giving Up

Mediators have so many advantages on our side. First, the mediation process is so reliably promising. Most mediated cases result in a resolution. Second, mediators who trust the process won’t give up easily. Finally, mediator standards of conduct foster self-determination of the parties. Nevertheless, there are still times when the parties are so entrenched in their respective positions, it’s hard to envision a pathway to agreement. After over 25 years in this field, I will admit there are occasions, if the parties haven’t said it first, I’ve had a fleeting thought, “This will never resolve.” Even in those tough cases, like any seasoned mediator, I will rely on a few simple strategies to break impasse, without giving advice or giving up. Ultimately, the parties co-create their own elegant resolution.

Keep Toxic People at Bay: Seven Proven Strategies

Keep Toxic People at Bay: Seven Proven Strategies

Even the best conflict engagement professionals can be blindsided by an occasional toxic exchange.  Despite how fantastic a day may start, a few harsh words can catch us off-guard, leaving us feeling defensive, angry or belittled.  You can keep difficult people from bringing you down with them and poisoning your well.  There are surprisingly effective strategies for bouncing back and preventing conflicts from getting the best of you.  

I’ll walk you through an example from my own experience.